FAQ - Frequently asked questions
V akých oblastiach podnikajú naši klienti?
Od roku 2011 sme pomohli s rozbehom a zakladaním asi 100 firmám prevažne zo Slovenska, Českej republiky a Rakúska. Najčastejšie oblasti podnikania našich klientov sú:
- IT, Software a APP development — rôzne služby a produkty
- Cloud services, data centers, hosting services, etc
- Gastronomy - Food Trucks, Fast Food, Restaurants, etc
- Consulting (SAP, Environmental science, etc)
- Design and Web development
- Marketing services
- Online courses
- Fitness - apps, various services and programs
- Real estate property development and management
- Import of various products already established in the EU market
Aká je výška investícií našich klientov?
In addition to cash, the investment may also consist of inventory, machinery or intellectual property. Part of the invested capital is intended to cover operating costs expected in the first year of business operation. The sources invested capital can come from savings, business profits, gifts, and loans.
ESTA and B1/B2 visa are suitable for trips to the U.S. with the purpose of setting up a company, opening business account, surveying potential sites in connection with a business venture and/or to lease premises, and getting licenses. You can also consult with business associates, negotiate contracts, select and train future employees. Anyone can own a business in the U.S., however; without the right type of visa, you can’t be an active part of the business and participate in daily activities. Not all of our clients wish to move to the U.S. immediately; they prefer to set up and manage their business remotely. When the business reaches a certain operating level it becomes crucial that the client applies for visa that do not restrict them in their activities (e.g. E-2 or L1).
E-2 Treaty Investor is very popular type of visa for entrepreneurs who wish to live in the U.S. to develop and direct the operations of a business. It is a non-immigrant visa reserved for foreign entrepreneurs of countries that have a Treaty of Trade and Commerce with the United States. Investor is a key person in the company, owns at least 50% share and has invested a substantial amount of capital necessary for successful operation of the enterprise. No minimum investment amount is specified in the regulations and a substantial investment is determined by the proportion of funds invested compared to the total cost to develop the business to the point of being operational. The lowest investment that AMBIZ has obtained approval with was $30,000.
The investment could be used for a purchase of an existing business or start of a new one. It has to be real investment, not a fictitious one. The investor will obtain E-2 visa for a period of two or five years and the visa can be renewed indefinitely.
Additional benefit is that the spouse of an E-2 investor will obtain E-2 visa as well, is eligible to apply for an “Employment Authorization Document” and work in any field.
Our team offers complex business strategy consulting. We don’t offer visa consulting or legal services. After finishing a project, every client applies for visa individually and it’s up to them whether they decide to use immigration lawyer services. Applying for visa is the final step and our clients usually do it themselves. Consulting AMBIZ offers is not considered legal advice.
Výška investície musí byť adekvátna k typu podnikania. Existujú biznisy, ktoré spočívajú prevažne v know-how majiteľa, nevyžadujú vysoké prvotné investície do skladových zásob/zariadení/marketingu a majú nízke operačné náklady. Pri takomto type podnikania môže ísť už o čiastku od 30tis. USD, pričom časť týchto peňazí sa použije na start-up a časť má pokryť očakávané náklady na prvé mesiace podnikania. Väčšina našich klientov investuje čiastku medzi 30 až 120tis. USD Klienti žiadajú o víza na ambasáde v bode, keď je biznis operačný a k fungovania chýba fyzická prítomnosť investora v USA.
At the interview, the investor will have to explain the sources of funds and provide adequate documentation as evidence. Personal savings as well as a gift or loan are considered legitimate sources. They have to be supported by relevant documents such as bank statements, gift affidavit or loan contract. Loans have to be secured by the investor's personal assets, not assets of the E-2 enterprise.
Máme rôzne typy klientov, a preto spolupráca môže trvať 2 mesiace, ale aj niekoľko rokov.
- typ klienta má jasnú a odpremýšlanú víziu, v USA už viackrát bol, možno aj začal so zriaďovaním svojich aktivít a pomáhame im ich myšlienky len zhmotniť, usporiadať a zrealizovať. Pri takýchto klientoch vieme projekt dokončiť za 2-3 mesiace aktívnej spolupráce.
- Druhý typ klienta je opatrnejší, nevie ešte úplne presne v akej oblasti by chcel podnikať, zisťuje aké má možnosti, hľadá si kontakty a príležitosť. S týmto typom klienta trvá väčšinou spolupráca do 6mesiacov.
- Posledný typ klienta je vizionár, ktorý sníva a vie že určite bude raz podnikať na americkom trhu. Pár krát aj vycestuje a má vždy otvorené oči, avšak je stále nerozhodný – často mu ide o zodpovedné rozhodnutie keďže sa bude musiet presunúť aj s rodinou a deťmi. A možno manželka nechce o tomto nápade ani počuť, takže spolupráca pomaličky potajomky postupuje a po roku a pol možno aj manželka prikývne.. a možno až po troch rokoch. 🙂
Many of clients have a partner or a co-owner in their business; they may be American, Slovak or any other national of an E-2 treaty country. From experience, we do not recommend to have co-owners, as a change in the ownership structure can affect visa status. Several of our clients had to deal with visa issues after disagreement with business partners.
Hiring U.S. workers is an important part of doing business in the U.S. However, it is not necessary to have employees before you apply for E-2 visa. Investor can start the business by himself and hire employees later on a part-time/full-time or contract basis.
Prvotným zámerom každého podnikateľa v USA by mala byť tvorba nových pracovných príležitostí pre Američanov. Avšak niekedy je nevyhnutné a efektívnejšie pre biznis vyžiadať si kľúčového zamestnanca – niekoho, s kým má skúsenosť a koho nemusí zaúčať od základov. Je možnosť zažiadať o E2 Essential Employee víza pre takéhoto zamestnanca, ten si môže so sebou do USA zobrať aj ženu a deti do 21 rokov.
Podnikať môžete dokým máte platné víza, alebo status pobytu v USA. Prvé E-2 víza budete mať schválené na Slovensku na 2 roky a v Českej republike na 5 rokov. Môžete ľubovoľne cestovať do a z USA dokým máte platné víza (t.j. 2 alebo 5 rokov), pri každom vstupe do USA máte povolený pobyt na max. 2 roky. Môžete aj mesiac pred skončením víz tak stále dostať schválený pobyt na 2 roky, avšak keď najbližšie opustíte USA, budete si musiet zažiadať o nové víza. Pri obnove víz sa preukazujú hospodárske výsledky, ekonomický vply a prognózy na ďalšie obdobie.
In the United States, it is not required to specify the line of business when setting up a company. You can therefore engage in any business activity under the company for which you have valid visa. For some types of businesses you are required to obtain special permits, licences or pass exams. Business licenses and permits are issued at all levels of government - federal, state, and local (county, city, town, or municipality).
Some parts of work need to be done by clients themselves such as securing the means of financing and connecting with potential customers. We won't look for investors nor connect you with potential customers; however, we will offer advice and guidance.