Start a business in the #1 market in the world We will open the doors for you! How can we help? Team of professionals Ako jediní na Slovensku Vám vieme poradiť ako naštartovať Váš americký biznis a splniť si tak americký sen! How can we help?

What do we do?

Do you still have unanswered questions?

Why choose us?

We understand you

We have the same mentality as you. We will be open to you and help you turn your business idea into reality. We will make sure you start your business in the U.S. as soon as possible.

Let's meet!

We have offices in Miami and in Slovakia in the beautiful Green Residence Golf Resort in Hruba Borsa near Bratislava.

We will save you money

It is unnecessary to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars into your business. We will tell you how to launch a profitable business with a reasonable investment.

Past clients' testimonials

Our goal is not only helping you start your business in the U.S. but also making sure your business is successful. We care about our clients as evidenced by their testimonials.

How do I find out more?

Please visit our FAQ nájdete odpovede na otázky, ktoré by Vás mohli zaujímať. Zistíte tam aj aký je postup spolupráce, do akých oblastí investujú naši klienti a s akými investíciami sme pracovali.

Once you've read the FAQ and looked over the "In The Media" section to get answers to the most common questions, we can arrange a phone consultation. The first consultation is free and takes about 30 minutes. You can book it HERE.

After our phone consultation you should have a general idea about doing business in the U.S. and if there is interest to move forward, we can meet in person in one of our offices or arrange a meeting somewhere else. Thank you for following this order and do not ask us for a meeting immediately. We respect your time and we ask you to respect ours. Most of the initial communication can be done over the phone or e-mail; unfortunately we don't have the time to meet with everyone in person. 

We've been here for our clients since 2011

Viac ako 100 založených firiem v rôznych štátoch po celej Amerike
Team of professionals with relevant entrepreneurial experience in the U.S.
Sme jediní na slovenskom trhu, kto vie pomôcť s rozbehom podnikania v USA
Learn what past clients have to say about our services by reading their testimonials

Na vyžiadanie Vás radi spojíme s klientom, ktorý podniká v podobnom odbore v akom plánujete pôsobiť Vy. Na tak obrovskom trhu, ako je ten americký je zbytočné rivalizovať a konkurovať si. Pomôžme si keď sa dá!

Start your business now!

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