Soňa BuffováCOO
Oblasti záujmu:
- Business consulting
- Restructuring and Development
- Acquisitions
- Business strategy
- Financial Analysis
Sona has lived in the US since 2001 where she attained Bachelor's degree with highest honors in International Business and Master of Science in Finance. She has honed her skills in corporate finance and business valuation for mergers and acquisitions while consulting vast number of clients including publicly traded companies. Sona is also a co-owner of a multinational software and hardware development firm specializing in applications in the infrastructure and transportation vertical. Sona has been involved in project for Fortune 500 companies as well as government agencies including FedEx, Aetna, Time Warner, NYC Transit and Bundeswehr. She is based in Miami.
Počas 11 rokov života v rôznych štátoch USA som sa stretla s naozaj rôznorodými situáciami najprv počas štúdia, následne v pracovnom aj súkromnom živote, preto viem čím všetkým si ľudia prechádzajú a viem poradiť z vlastnej skúsenosti. Ku každému klientovi pristupujem individuálne a snažím sa mu pomôcť a uľahčiť jeho cestu za snami.