Market ExpertMarket Expert

Oblasti záujmu:
  • Business Consulting
  • Start Ups
  • Architecture
  • Nightlife
  • Investments

Rick ako rodený Američan pozná trh najlepšie. Vyrastal a žil v NYC a následne sa presťahoval na slnečné Miami, kde už 20 rokov pôsobí v rôznych oblastiach. Má všeobecný prehľad o americkom trhu, pozná dopyt aj ponuku a vie poradiť najlepšie čo sa týka nastavenia zámeru.

Vidieť s akou dravosťou a pracovitosťou prichádzajú Slováci a Češi do USA podnikať ma fascinuje a rád sa s takýmito ľuďmi stretávam. Niekedy stačí iba trošku usmerniť a vznikajú veľmi zaujímavé nápady a koncepty, ktoré sú následne aj úspešne realizované.

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When I started exploring my options on how to start my business in the U.S., a friend of mine advised me to contact Silvia and AMBIZ. After consultations with two immigration lawyers, I decided that my best option is to apply for E2 visa. However, in order to qualify for the visa I needed to have a real and operating company in the U.S.. For a creative person like me, bureaucracy is definitely not my strong point. I was fortunate enough to find AMBIZ - they set my business concept to fit the American market and prepared a business plan. I used the information they provided me to set up a competitive business model. AMBIZ did a market research, helped me set up my company in California, get a Tax ID, open a business account and answered all my questions. Till this day, I still turn to AMBIZ for consulting and advice and I have recommended them to a number of people.

Pavol B.
Owner, Eagle Creative Media (Media Agency)

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